From a practical perspective it also seems difficult to fathom, because if you go on what you
have been told, you are selling an intangible part of yourself to be used by someone else for
whatever they wish; and so if you get into the headspace of viewing your soul as something
separate from you or that you are in control of your mind and your body, then again, ‘selling
an intangible aspect of you’ again sounds like nonsense because right now nobody controls
you; you are controlling you; so what are you really selling? Thin air?
Many up and coming ‘stars’ think this way when they are confronted with “selling their soul”
aspect. The up and coming ‘stars’ are blinded by the prospect of being super famous and
super rich; and in the moment they are confronted with “selling their soul” they believe these
Illuminati people, are a group of over religious zealots and that they, -the up and coming
‘stars’ are taking advantage of the Illuminati because the ‘soon to be ‘stars’’ do not believe
(in that moment) it is possible to sell your soul, and only consider being super rich and super
famous; so the ‘stars’ sign their ‘soul’ over.
At this point, it is usually too late for the up and coming ‘star’; because what they have
actually sold, in this physical world, is the use of their REM driven clone to the Illuminati.
They have sold their REM driven clone to be used for REM driven sex by perverse old men
and women whenever they enter REM sleep.
These celebrities are not memory suppressed either; so whenever they enter REM sleep, their
consciousness is transferred to their REM driven clone, to be used for whatever the Illuminati
wish: usually sex as REM driven clones with dirty and perverse old men in return for a
promotion in the entertainment industry; such as movie role, advertisements, concert gigs
etc. It is a very, very, sick business, and once these up and coming ‘stars’ get into the
business they are trapped. Now you can begin to understand why so many celebrities,
although on the surface it appears they have it all, are depressed; and do random and crazy
things. It is a cry for help. Their illogical behaviours, (not all) for the most part, can be
attributed to REM driven cloning. Furthermore, the Illuminati consider ‘selling your soul’
(the use of your REM clone) a very serious business. They do not joke about this; and there
are NO RETURNS. Once you have sold the use of your REM driven clone for promotions
etc., that’s it. If you ever make a fuss and want your ‘soul’ back, in other words: you no
longer wish to have your REM driven clone to be used by dirty old men for sex; the
Illuminati will kill you by applying a constant electric current to your REM driven clone until
you have a heart attack or aneurysm in your original body and die. It is as simple as that.
For example, Whitney Houston wanted nothing to do with the cloning centres, she said she
would keep quiet; she never wants to be in the spotlight; she never wants to do radio or
television. Let bygones be bygones, I’ll go my way and you can go your way. The Illuminati
were extremely angry! They had bank-rolled her, and now she didn’t want to be their ‘friend’
or ever associate with them again. She was sacrificed; she was killed with a constant electric
current to her REM clone. She had sold her soul, in the beginning of her career; in other
words, the “use of her REM clone”. Earlier in Whitney Houston’s career, she had signed that
they can use her REM driven clone however they wish.
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