In “Hold it Against Me” (BritneySpearsVevo 2011) performed by Britney Spears; Britney is
depicted fighting against her clone at 2:46 min till the end of the video. In “Mona Lisa”
(SimpleGirl4ewer 2007) later remade by Britney Spears she changed the words in the song
from “gone” to “cloned”. I’ll provide the lyrics to chorus here because they have not changed
it on A- Z lyrics etc., but listen to the song and you will clearly hear the following:
Britney Spears Lyrics “Mona Lisa”
She’s the original (yeah, yeah)
She’s unforgettable (yeah yeah)
She wants you to know (yeah)
She’s been cloned…
It’s kind of incredible (yeah yeah)
She’s so unpredictable (yeah yeah)
She wants you to know (yeah)
She’s been cloned,
She’s been cloned,
She’s been cloned…
Yes. Britney Spears and many other celebrities want you to know they have been cloned. The
celebrities are depending on you, the ordinary man / woman; the populace, as I am depending
on you to spread this message fast and far. In fact Elizabeth has said that “If any public
person speaks out, they will die!” Therefore, public figures cannot openly discuss this topic to
warn the populace –so they hint. It is NOW up to the ordinary man and woman to end this.
Furthermore, Elizabeth has a nuclear bomb hooked up at the cloning centre which she can
press at any time to wreck havoc on the world unsuspectingly. Thankfully, I managed to
convince Elizabeth not to do such a silly thing. I hope you can now understand why everyone
is terrified of Elizabeth at the cloning centre, and why this is a world emergency and we are
depending on you to share and spread my disclosure!
In This Physical World Selling Your Soul Is Selling Your REM Driven Clone
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