REM Driven Clone Death –noun: the process where an original dies because of constant
torture to their REM driven clone or where a constant electrical current is applied to the REM
driven clone resulting in death of an original usually in the form of an aneurysm or heart
attack (because consciousness is linked) in the original’s body.
REM Driven Clone Torture ––noun or verb: the action or practice of inflicting serve pain
on a REM driven clone. REM driven clone torture causes biological and physiological
responses in the original’s body because consciousness is linked. Intermittent REM driven
clone torture (depending on what is done) causes the original to experience severe headaches,
an upset stomach, achy limbs, sickness; a weakened heart. Continuous REM driven clone
torture will lead to the death of the original; usually in the form of aneurysm or heart attack in
the original’s body.
Replication Cloning –verb: involves giving birth to a genetic identical of an original where
the newborn starts life off as a baby and matures. The newborn is referred to as a clone.
RFID Technology -noun: [Radio Frequency Identification] are electronic microchips the size
of a grain of sand that can be directly embedded into the human flesh. RFID microchips
communicate wirelessly through the use of electromagnetic fields to transfer data. RFID
microchips link the brains of people via the implanted microchip to satellites controlled by
ground base super-computers. The dangers of RFID microchips to the implanted person are:
total loss of privacy and total control of the person’s physical body functions, mental and
emotional thought processes, including the implanted person’s subconscious or dreams –for
the rest of that person’s life! RFID microchips are also tracking devices, and the implanted
person can be tracked anywhere on the globe.
Selling One’s Soul -verb: to sell the use one’s “Mark 2" REM driven clone to the Illuminati,
for the Illuminati to use the individual’s Mark 2 REM driven clone in whatever manner the
Illuminati wishes. There are no returns once the individual has signed over his / her (soul)
Mark 2 REM driven clone. When an individual sells their (soul) Mark 2 REM driven clone,
the person has also entered into a contract to sell the Mark 2 REM driven clone(s) of their
current children (if they have any) as well as any unborn children the person may have later
in life. The person sells all their descendants (souls) Mark 2 REM driven clones to the
Illuminati, once the individual sells their (soul) Mark 2 REM driven clone to the Illuminati.
Selling one’s (soul) Mark 2 REM driven clone is considered a serious business transaction to
the Illuminati. There are no returns. If the person ever makes a fuss and wants their (soul)
Mark 2 REM driven clone back, the Illuminati will either torture the person’s Mark 2 Clone,
or apply a constant electric current to the person’s Mark 2 Clone until the person either has a
heart attack or aneurysm in their original body. This is what public figures are hinting at
when they say “They have sold their soul”. They have sold the use of their Mark 2 REM
driven clone to the Illuminati. Selling one’s soul is not a joke. Never sell your soul.
Stimulus –noun: is something that causes a reaction, especially interest, excitement or
energy. It is also an energy change registered by the senses. For example a stimulus can be a
shinny object for a baby.
Technology –noun: machinery and devices developed from scientific knowledge.
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