Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 1 | Page 27

New World Orde r -noun: [NWO] Agenda. The whole NWO agenda is to turn humanity into mindless slaves forever; whereby the post humans / trans- humans mind control the entire world’s populace either through RFID microchips or a completed HAARP grid. Another aspect of the NWO agenda is to depopulate the world’s current population of 7.3 billion people to 500 million people (and never exceed a world population of 500 million people afterwards); ruled by a one world government; a one world ruler; with a one world religion. See Appendix B in this document for more details. Original –noun: A person who is not a clone. Pain Receptor -noun: Any one of the many nerve endings throughout the body that warn of harmful changes in the environment such as excessive pressure or temperature. Positive Association -noun: is a desirable experience or perception. Positive stimulus -noun: a stimulus with desirable consequences. Posthumanism –noun: seeks to rewrite the very definition of being human. It is the condition in which humans and intelligent technology become intertwined. In the Posthuman there are no essential differences or absolute demarcations between bodily existence and computer stimulation, cybernetic mechanism and biological organism, robot technology and human goals. Posthuman -noun: see Posthumanism. Project MK Ultra -noun: see MK Ultra. Regenerative Medicine -noun: (of a living organism) the process of re- growing new tissues after loss or damage. Regenerative Technology -noun: any machinery or device developed from scientific knowledge which has the capability to re- grow new tissues after loss or damage. REM Sleep –noun: [Rapid Eye Movement] is the fifth stage of sleep in the sleep cycle. It takes 90 to 110 minutes to reach REM sleep after we fall asleep. REM sleep is also known as the “period of paralysation”. The involuntary muscles such as the brain become more active whereas voluntary muscles (those that you move by choice) such as your arms and legs become more relaxed or paralysed. REM sleep is a kind