4.25 – 5.30 min: There are these CLONING CENTRES where they take your children and
do sadistic things to them. I’m not even talking about child molestation here; not to mention;
uh there is one of them that got caught, flying out to Florida; to meet up with a four year old
little girl, to have sex with a four year old girl. That’s right. Google it because it is so highly
sinful... We have commercials about... you know starving kids; you know save the starving
kids and it is heartbreaking. We can have commercials about it... why? Because it is a
horrible thing and people can have commercials about it. WHY do we not have commercials
about... ‘Daddy please don’t, don’t. Mommy please don’t let daddy let daddy touch me?’ –
because it is disgusting! It is so disgusting; beyond sin that no one, NO ONE, can even make
a commercial about that because that’s how sinful it is.
5.31 – 7.19 min: Do you understand that? Do you understand how sinful that is? These
people, I’m not even going to call them people; alright? They take your children; they not
only molest them; men f*** them and make them shoot each other. They give them guns. It’s
either you shoot him or I’m gonna shoot you. They are... mind you, they are children.
Children. Yes. I’m speaking out, because I... uh! Who else is doing this? You’re all just
[inaudible]... shame on you... And actually the most recent paedophilia... got taken down...
WOW, how long did that take?! Really?! Do you know how long this has been going on?
*Sigh* Alright I’m gonna calm down... but as a parent and I love parents out there. My heart
goes out to all the parents out there who have missing children. You know, we all pray for
them; every day. And I put on a bold face in public every day; because there needs to be
someone strong, believe that. But my strength comes from somewhere... that I have a very
vulnerable emotional side where I feel very strongly for these children and innocent people.
So therefore I want to speak out.
7.20 – 9.10 min: I have and I have my passion too; and in the end you shall all know why I
am so passionate about exposing every single one of these scumbags; okay? The truth shall
prevail and you all will know why. So as for you parents... ah... there are no words to
describe. But let me just expose because you can’t just... there is a point where you CANNOT
just turn the other way. You know this stuff is going on; and you go ‘Oh well... that’s their
problem. Let’s just turn the other cheek.’ How long are yo ԁ