Appendix A: Thien Thanh Thi Nguyen (Tila Tequila) Transcript
00.00 – 1.10 min: You know what... since you f****** with my program darling Queen
Elizabeth [II] and the paedophilia ring and the cloning centres, and the cloning centres. That’s
right darling the cloning centres. Parents listen to me right now, they are blocking me but that
is quite alright. They are blocking me but that is quite alright. Because I have many, many,
other forces; I shall not say their names right now, but I have many big plans to expose all of
you disgusting, sadistic f***s! Okay? That is all. I shall save that for another time. But,
however, I shall REPEAT: that was just an introduction to the reptilian family, leading a ll the
way back. They call themselves the “The Black Nobility”. Now that is just one part of it;
1.11 - 2.47 min: The Black Nobility; the reptilian family; all the way back from ancient
times; so which they think... they feel like they are the d ivine chosen ones... from whom may
I ask? Definitely. Definitely not God. Our creator of the world. Reptilians: they feed on
blood; children; the paedophilia ring; recently busted. Oh! It has been going on for centuries.
Parents listen to me carefully. I don’t care if I’m cutting out. I will continue this and I am not
alone on this battle. Believe THAT! Believe THAT! I am not alone on this battle. I started
out alone but I am marching on with MILLIONS; okay? So sit your old a** down okay.
Because you are gonna roll over; but it doesn’t matter anyway because you are all ancestral
f***s! Who interbreed... ancestral f*****g... and then... and then... Oh! Only going to talk
about cloning those children and... oh! And all those many children’s parents listen to me
2.48 - 4.24 min: Hundreds of missing children come up every year. You wonder... why?
How? How could this be? And then there is so called CPS [Child Protection Services] or
whatever they are called; they come and take your children, just, just for nothing; right? Not
to discredit everybody, because not everybody is bad. I’m talking about the bad people. And
they take your kids... they take them as this... they treat them like... I can’t eve n say the word.
It’s disgusting; it’s sadistic. They... they... they take your kids... they toss them out like little
[inaudible] cause they are so f*****g... Pardon my French, but then again when I’m dealing
with these evil cum-buckets I have no holy words coming out of my mouth; because these are
the only words they resonate to. So therefore that’s how I refer to them. Because they can
only [inaudible] ...their masters whiplash on them with these [inaudible] words of cursing,
vileness and slaving and that is not what the true God is; okay? The God of Hell...;
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