Dominext Magazine Comic Relief | Page 37

Film: Entering the Reel World

Back in the day when I was in film school we had to learn all the basics, drawing, photography, storyboarding, acting, make-up etc. These were all the tools needed to start a great film, if you know how to collaborate them all together with style and grace you where getting an A. Great films have come from basic events that a writer and director can piece together like a well organized interesting puzzle. Comedians are somewhat like a puzzle that needs piecing together. They start off doing local showscases, telling jokes of all sorts some actually make it out of the showcases and talent searches into the comedy clubs. There has to be a consist flow when doing comedy the slightest mishap and it's a wrap. To be considered a serious working comedian you have to be on at all times, getting your voice heard and laughed at. The importance of this is practice.

Keep showing your face letting people get to know who you are and in the same sense you are making a name for yourself with continued practice cafting and building your skills in the entertainment industry. Relationship building and networking is a very important factor when starting off a career in film and acting, make sure to find a mentor who has paved the way for you to even be considering and able to advance in a competitive driven business. Gain access to a new way of performing and growing to be one of the greatest.