Dominext Magazine Comic Relief | Page 36

Film: Entering the Reel World

Film: Entering the Reel World

Have you ever wondered how cool would it be to be in the world of film and production, or to be an actor? Of course you have we look at shows everyday and think how can I get there, well believe it or not it actually takes skill and hard work to be apart the that fabulous but yet harsh environment. Casting agents and directors take true precautions when searching for serious talent, which can effect self esteem and other issues that you may not be prepared for. Ruthless can be the word of the day sometimes, when going on

auditions for a comedy bit or even just a small cameo. An actor must look, talk, walk smile, even smell the part to even be considered not to mention the actual skill of acting. Now we are talking reel film, not these reality series where they are paid to act a damn fool. So what is reel filming all about? It is time, patience, structure, innovation, and mad creativity. Setting standards high above all the rest. Creating a new genre of being seen through the eyes of the inventor. Most amazing film stories come from real life non fictional things that has happened to them or happened to someone they know, the journey in the life of whomever. Tradegy and sorrow with the exception of a great love story can all be developed into unique tails. Sometimes these touch our soul and other time we want to launch a bucket of fried green tomatoes at the screen.