Domestic Violence 1 | Page 10

It was cold out. The snow outside fell through the cracks in the roof. It laid like a blanket on the crooked oak floors of the patio. The television inside was blaring. The rocking chair creaked as I went back and forth, back and forth.

“Darling?” I could hear the soft voice trying to reach over the sound waves shooting out from that blasted television.

“Go away, dear. I’m thinking.”, I reply.

Back and forth I sway. The world staying completely still as my body throws itself one way and the next. I can hear the screeching sounds of the crows that settle in the park across the street from the house.With black wings, flitting across the night sky.. The shiny feathers glistening the stars across them. I wonder what it would be like to fly.

“Darling?”, The voice yells louder. I sigh.

I look back up to the sky, only to realize that the lovely bird had flown towards the moon, and I found myself wishing I could follow.

I rose from the chair and made my way inside. The smell of smoke was the first thing that

caught my attention. The odor was so strong that i had to lift my shirt over my nose to keep from collapsing. I made my way towards the kitchen, where the microwave was set ablaze.

“Argh!”, I screamed. I opened the fridge and proceeded to get the small orange box of baking soda. I grabbed the knife from the counter and stabbed a hole into the box, then ran to the microwave and dumped the entire box onto the microwave.