Doctor's Orders dddddd | Page 113

9.4 TONE OF VOICE THE SCIENCE OF CARE PROOF POINTS VISUAL STYLE For full details of how we colour The Science of Care Proof Points and keep a consistent size relationship with the blue line please refer to pages 4.6 through to 4.9 in the colour section. For further detail on the typographic treatment of The Science of Care Proof Points please refer to page 5.10 in the typography section. Please always remember these rules: • All Proof Points should be written in upper case. • Each Proof Point should be finished with a full stop. • On the front cover of a document the blue line must not come from the top of the page. Inside literature blue lines can come from the most suitable point. On front covers the blue line comes from the side of the page. On front covers the blue line does not come from the top or bottom of the page. • Each Proof Point is to be approved by the marketing department before production. • Maximum word count is 40 words. MEDICLINIC BRAND GUIDELINES | BASIC ELEMENTS | TONE OF VOICE CONTENTS