Doctor's Orders dddddd | Page 112

9.3 TONE OF VOICE THE SCIENCE OF CARE PROOF POINTS OVERVIEW Main types of Proof Points: First Mediclinic was the first to do something – this Proof Point needs to be relevant and significant in the area the information is focused on. Ideally, firsts can be validated with a date. Leading Mediclinic is leading the field with this endeavour. Mediclinic can also claim to be leading the pack (i.e. rated 3rd out of 450 worldwide) Only Mediclinic is the only brand/company to do… Relevant/Interesting Mediclinic is highlighting this fact as they find it especially relevant for you, as pertaining to the item/topic at hand. Relevant points must reassure the patient, show them that Medicinic know what they are doing. These can include information on people, medicine or be topical. MEDICLINIC BRAND GUIDELINES | BASIC ELEMENTS | TONE OF VOICE CONTENTS