Doctor's Orders dddddd | Page 106

8.10 SUPPORTING GRAPHIC ELEMENTS INFORMATION GRAPHICS CHARTS AND GRAPHS 75 000 CONSECTETUR 075 000 CONSECTETUR 75 060 100 000 75 000 070 000 070 Keep colours used to the minimum necessary to clearly communicate the information. If a chart or graph can be effective in Mediclinic Grey only, then don’t use other colours. Mediclinic Orange is the highlight colour when needed. scale 100 Make sure you use the correct type of graphic to show information in the most effective way. Use the bare minimum of simple geometric shapes. 000 CONSECTETUR FY 2006 Colours used in a chart can be separated by white lines if this helps to improve legibility. FY 2007 (FY 2008 rate) FY 2008 lorem ipsum bisque barsin If the chart or graph doesn’t need colours other than Mediclinic Grey – don’t use them If a highlight needs a strong stand-out from Mediclinic Grey, then Mediclinic Orange is used 22% total 0,000 total 0,000 scale 000 total 0,000 00 lorem ipsum bisque barsin 00 dolor sit amen 00 cumcue est 000 000 0,000 000 0,000 0,000 11% 000 000 00 FY 2006 00 FY 2007 (FY 2008 rate) 00 FY 2008 59% 8% lorem ipsum bisque barsin dolor sit amen Colours can be used without a separating colour MEDICLINIC BRAND GUIDELINES | BASIC ELEMENTS | SUPPORTING GRAPHIC ELEMENTS Alternatively, white lines can be used as a separating colour CONTENTS