Doctor's Orders dddddd | Page 101

8.5 SUPPORTING GRAPHIC ELEMENTS PICTOGRAMS USING EXISTING MEDICAL PICTOGRAMS ADAPTING EXISTING MEDICAL PICTOGRAMS The details used on these pictograms are often constructed of thin lines and they should only be used at sizes where these details are clear. The Hirslanden medical pictograms are currently enclosed within a keyline of a rounded rectangle. Many of them extend to the edge of this shape. GASTROENTROLOGIE GASTROENTROLOGIE GASTROENTROLOGIE HANDCHIRURGIE HANDCHIRURGIE HANDCHIRURGIE When adapting these pictograms, delete the outer keyline. Allow the edges of the remaining pictogram to extend to the edge of the Mediclinic Blue circle. Don’t add an extra keyline around the circle. EXPLANATORY TEXT These pictograms are less obvious shapes for the reader to interpret without explanatory text. As the subjects are harder to distill into a simple shape, they must always have explanatory text next to them. Don’t add an extra keyline around the circle. Set text at a legible size in Gotham Book, upper case, centred below the pictogram, coloured in Mediclinic Blue. For signage, set text in sentence case, ranged left, and colour in black. OPHTHALMOLOGIE OPHTHALMOLOGIE Existing Hirslanden medical pictogram examples MEDICLINIC BRAND GUIDELINES | BASIC ELEMENTS | SUPPORTING GRAPHIC ELEMENTS OPHTHALMOLOGIE Hirslanden medical pictograms adapted into Mediclinic pictogram style CONTENTS