do not disturb Vol. 1 Issue 2. March 2017 | Page 17

I ' m ok are you ok ? I met a guy who says he used to be a meth-head , but now reformed How could someone this good-looking be a drug addict ? For the love of god , three in a row except this one ' s got good teeth — but when he talks , it ' s like he ' s hearing voices . Or , he ’ s speaking in tongues like some religious freak I should have known better — famous last words , only this time it ' s going to be different . You ' ll see . Give me a chance , he says . He ' s really into me . Ok , here ' s your chance , I say . And you know what ? He couldn ' t even get it up
The power of now is not just semantic , it ' s bullshit and everybody who ’ s read the book knows it ' s all — only , bullshit Your soul can align all it wants to with your personality and all you get , all you ever need know is — the only guarantee in life is still death and taxes — meaning the real TRUTH is — the only authentic empowerment is the government
Words : J Aleczander