DNH NEWSLETTERS November December 2013 | Page 7

Volunteering with DNH Disability Network Hounslow relies on volunteers for many activities and services, including the Community Participation and Home Buddies projects. Our trustees volunteer to be members of the management committee which is responsible for making sure DNH meets its legal and financial responsibilities. Most of our trustees also play part in running events and assisting our staff. All our events need people to welcome visitors and to serve tea and coffee. Hounslow Home Buddies ‘Hounslow Home Buddies’ aims to bring support of various kinds to isolated disabled people who are housebound or feel too vulnerable to venture outside to seek help. Irfan and Mariam came to the AGM to tell us how they are using their legal training to help people with housing, health, benefits, employment law and personal injury. This project has been set up so that the most isolated disabled people in Hounslow will have access to services and ways to redress grievances and the independence, confidence and ability to control their affairs and participate in wider society. The service is available both by appointment at the DNH office and in the homes of our clients. Contact details are on the back of the newsletter. Please tell your friends and neighbours about the service, especially if they are housebound. We want to reach out to as many disabled people as possible. Volunteers for Home Buddies: contact Miriam Dubois [email protected] 7