The WOW petition has closed with over 104,000 signatures.
The War On Welfare Petition [WOW]
calls for-
a Cumulative Impact Assessment of all cuts and
changes affecting sick & disabled people, their families
and carers, and a free vote on repeal of the Welfare
Reform Act.
an immediate end to the Work Capability Assessment, as voted for by the
British Medical Association and consultation between the Departments of
Health & Education to improve support into work for sick & disabled
people, and an end to forced work under threat of sanctions for people on
disability benefits.
An independent, Committee-Based Inquiry into Welfare Reform, covering
but not limited to:
Care home admission rises, daycare centres, access to education for
people with learning difficulties, universal mental health treatments,
Remploy closures;
DWP media links, the ATOS contract, IT implementation of Universal
c) Human rights abuses against disabled people, excess claimant
deaths & the disregard of medical evidence in decision making by ATOS,
DWP & the Tribunal Service.
Soon a date will be announced for a debate in the House of Commons.
DNH will try to arrange transport for members wanting to hear the debate.
Parliamentary debates are broadcast on the Parliament TV channel and
on the internet.
Wednesday 19 February is a national day for people to gather
outside ATOS assessment centres to protest about the number of
seriously ill and disabled people who have been assessed as “fit for work”
and so cannot get Employment Support Allowance. Many have had these
decisions overturned by appeal tribunals. Others have been left with no
income or have died before the DWP has accepted the validity of their
claim. The nearest is at Atos Healthcare Ealing Assessment Centre
3rd Floor, Broadway House Uxbridge Road, Ealing London W13 8RA