is the new name for IAP [Independent Activities Project]
Based at the Star Centre, 63-65 Bell Road Hounslow
Creative Wednesday Group at the Star
Centre every Wednesday afternoon
between 2-5pm. Anyone is welcome to
come and although the group focuses on
art activities no-one has to know how to
paint or draw , but can just come along
and enjoy good company together with
a nice cup of tea.
Contact Yasna on 07551305897
[email protected]
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction service for disabled people.
Mindfulness has helped people throughout the world suffering from stress,
anxiety , sadness and also physical pain. Coming on one of our free fiveweek courses, a course member will receive guided instruction in
mindfulness meditation practices, individually tailored instructions and
daily home practice CDs to help ongoing practice. If you are interested in
coming on the course or would like to find out more please contact Yasna,
at FLOURISH/IAP on 07551305897 or email [email protected]
DNH Funders: DNH would like to thank the London Borough of Hounslow
for their continuing support and all our members and supporters as well as
those who make grants & donations to our work, including Lloyds TSB
Foundation, The Souter Charitable Trust, The Community Development
Fund - Faiths In Action, The Mrs Smith & Mount Trust and Kingston
Working in partnership with:
London Borough Of Hounslow, Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha
Help us make a difference You can Donate by visiting:
Contact DNH if you want to organise a fundraising event or need a
speaker for a club or conference.