DJ REM STUDIOS Webzine September 2013 Issue 2 | Page 2
3. What was the creative spark that pushed you to form the band ? E.L : Initially it was more of a necessity, I often had trouble keeping a band in my country. This was the spark that drove me to embark on this road, and I am satisfied, because it allowed me to express myself better. 4. How often are you guys able to get together and practice. E.L: Well, living in different countries is not very easy, I live in Italy, Dean lives in England, for the moment we are working exclusively on material composition, later we will see how to organize the rest. 5. What got you into music, and what are your influences ? E.L: I've always loved music, ever since I was a child, and I have always felt a strong push towards music. I've always been sure that was what I wanted to do. My personal influences are Anorexia Nervosa, Limbonic Art, Naglfar and the old Dimmu Borgir. 6. What sacrifices have you had to make to do what you love? E.L: Oh, many sacrifices, but when you do them for something you love, they're not true sacrifices. Maybe the bigger sacrifice is the lack of free time, having to work so much, I don't have much time for my personal life. 7. Who did you get your musical talent from? E.L: From myself. 8. How did you come up with the name of the band? E.L: It simply came out, has not been particularly designed, was in my head, that's all. 9. Where can people find out more about the band? E.L: The band is on many social networking sites, and it is possible to find all the news about interviews, reviews etc. on them. I'm also looking to do a website soon, just need to find some free time to do it. Facebook:
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