DJ REM STUDIOS Webzine October 2013 Issue 8 | Page 3
How would you define "success" for the band.
Tom – I think being able to go out and play sizable festivals and tour on a decent scale off the strength of
our own name at least semi-professionally.
What do you guys do to relax?
Tom – That varies from member to member. Personally I relax with a good record, a good book and good
cup of coffee.
What sets you guys apart from all the other bands out there?
Tom – It might sound a little big headed, but we’ve always strived to not go with the crowd. When we first
emerged in 2010, Djent was massive and we got called Djent a lot. We always considered ourselves to be an
Industrial band with progressive, extreme metal, jazz and classical influences. So I guess if anything, what
splits us apart is that we’re always willing to bring new styles into what we do.
What is the craziest thing that has ever happend to you at a show?
Tom – At Bloodstock 2011 Jake and I were throwing CD’s into the crowd as freebies. What we didn’t take
into account was how sharp the corners were. People soon realised and started dodging them, you could
just see bodies diving out of the way. It was funny, but we felt a bit guilty. We clocked one of our biggest
supporters in the face! *laughs*
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