DJ REM STUDIOS Webzine October 2013 Issue 8

Band: Akarusa Yami Location: Nottingham Music Style: Industrial Metal Album: EP ‘Trace Element Rebirth’ Facebook: Website: Video: akarusayamiofficial Press Contact: Tom Brumpton Please introduce yourself and the other members of the band, and what their spot is in the band. Tom Brumpton (Vocals) – I’m Tom, the vocalist. On guitars we’ve got Tom Clarke, on bass we have Jake Bennett and drums we’ve got Adam Jones. How long have you guys been together. Tom – We’ve been together just over three years now. What got you into music, and what are your influences. Tom – I’ve loved music since I was a kid, most styles and genres. When I got a little older I got more into metal and extreme music. I still adore variation, I listen to a lot of classical music, jazz, ambient music, triphop, bits of pop, folk music; the more varied the better. Biggest influences for me are Killswitch Engage, John Martyn, Queen, Type O Negative and Bjork.