DJ REM STUDIOS Webzine December 2013 1st Issue | Page 2
How often are you guys able to get together and practice ?
Marloes: we see eachother often. We all love to go to concerts when we don’t have a gig ourselves.
I guess we see eachother 2 to 3 times a week. Wow, that is actually pretty often now that I think of it,
haha !! We practice once a week. We have the luxury of our own rehearsal-room which we can use
24/7. Our drummer is a drumteacher, so we abuse his working-area for practicing and writing new
What got you into music, and what are your influences ?
Jeroen:The style of the bands music is a mix of personal preferences of all the bandmembers. Musically we find our influences in bands like At The Gates, Carcass, Kreator, Legion of the Damned to
name a few. But also Cannibal Corpse or even Nevermore can be listed with these names. What got
me into music ? Visiting gigs at the age of 14/15 made me eager to be on stage too. It was just awesome to see all those bands (I’m talking about the Scorpions and Ozzy Osbourne era here).
What sacrifices have you had to make to do what you love?
Jeroen: Absolutely nothing ! We can all combine our daily jobs and other hobbies together with the
band. We don’t have to play gigs every day you know. Sure, I have to sacrifice all my free time
(vacation from work) into the band, but thats (in my opinion) not a sacrifice. We travel to places
we’ve never been before, have awesome parties, meet new people… what better way to spend your
time, haha !
Who did you get your musical talent from?
Marloes : By practicing my ass of ! Really, I’ve practiced a lot when I became the frontwoman (and
bassist) When I was younger I’ve had some singing lessons (clean vocals). I learned how to breath
right and handle my voice. This is the basis for my growls nowadays.
I practise at home and ofcourse in the rehearsal room with the other bandmembers.
To keep my voice in shape I exercise a lot (running, jogging) because growling requires a good lung
capacity and I don’t smoke. I’m always careful with my voice.
How did you come up with the name of the band?
Jeroen: Izegrim comes from an old Dutch epos called “Of Reynaert the Fox”. In this epos, where
there are just animals, there’s a wolf called Izegrim (or Isegrim). It’s an old story about greed and
betrayal. The wolf Izegrim, as many other animals in this story, got betrayed by the smart Fox
Furthermore, in old Dutch, Izegrim also stands for malicious and grumpy. That suits the overall
feeling and attitude the metalscene is about.