Having a beautiful, functional and comfortable home improves one’s quality of life
Multievo cordless multi-tool
excellence and providing the right household name. Black and Decker launched by two passionate young workers on aircrafts and tanks
tool for the right market and the is still innovating and creating world entrepreneurs who had a dream, S. (mostly women) were taking home the
right market segment. firsts, over the years they patented Duncan Black and Alonzo G. Decker Black and Decker portable drills for
the first portable electric drill, then invested $1200 to open a small their home DIY projects.
A HISTORY OF INNOVATION the first cordless electric drill, the machine shop ‘The Black and Decker Black and Decker has a heritage of first electric hammer, the first electric Manufacturing Co.’ in Maryland, trend and in 1946 introduced the first
one hundred and seven years and the hedge trimmer, the first Dustbuster, Baltimore USA. They made machines portable electric drill for consumers, a
innovation began at the initiation of the first Workmate and even the first for inventors amongst other true market breakthrough. Soon after
the small company and continues to drill head to remove core samples customers and some of their earliest they launched a line of affordable and
this day as it has grown to become a from the Moon on the Apollo 15. products included machines for lightweight Home Utility drills and
In 1910, Black and Decker was making milk bottle caps and for accessories, having manufactured
global giant, yet is still a much loved
Black and Decker hooked on to this
candy dipping. Their dream and 1 million ¼” Home Utility drills by 1951,
vision was to design and make their thus starting the DIY revolution.
own products for the industrial
machine market.
They set their sights on making
tried, tested and trusted since 1930
Having a beautiful, functional and
a power drill that was lighter and comfortable home improves one’s
easier to use, at the time they had quality of life. In the current climate
a another contract making parts of increasing economic pressure
for Colt automatic and came up ‘doing-it- yourself’ has become a
with the idea of using a pistol global trend as we see the second
grip and a trigger switch, this wave of the DIY revolution taking hold.
revolutionised the power tool DIY is a great way for consumers to
industry. By 1917 they had patented make their house into a home and a
the first portable electric drill. productive and financially sound way
The company grew rapidly and
by 1920 its annual sales exceeded
We are The only Chinese lock
manufacturer to be awarded
the Chinese Gold Medal of
Excellence. Tri-Circle technical
center was approved as a
National Level R&D Center in 2009
to spend leisure time.
Black and Decker remains at the
$1 million and they opened a new forefront of the DIY market as an
20 000 square foot plant. In the innovator with its Multievo cordless
1920’s they launched the BB Special multi-tool, one power tool with
Drill, the first power drill suitable for interchangeable heads that can
consumer use. In 1929 Black and pretty much “do it all”. There are no
Decker took their first step into the other products available that can
household appliance market with match the versatility and quality of
their Cinderella washing machine. the Duosand and Mouse Sander at
the same price points.
Salescope cc
Tel: 011-728-4192 | Fax: 011-483-1552
Email: [email protected]
“Black and Decker create powerfully
In 1941 when America joined the simple, high quality products which
War, Black and Decker redirected are great value propositions targeted
manufacturing capabilities to the specifically to the DIY market.
war effort for the Allies winning a Ultimately, Black and Decker will help
number of awards for excellence its product owners transform the
in wartime production, and still place where they live into a home,”
producing consumer power tools says Mayan Desai, trade marketing
with in legislated limits. A trend Manager at Stanley Black & Decker
emerged where production line southern Africa.