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Love Thy Self…
By Stephanie Holland, PhD and Margaret Pickard, Esq.
ivorce is one of the most stressful events that can occur in life. It
often represents the loss of hopes and dreams, not only for you,
but for your children as well.
Give yourself permission to take care of
yourself; take a bath, go for a run or a hike,
go out to lunch with friends, go to a movie…
relax. This will benefit you, as well, as your
children. Your children take their cues on
how to respond to the divorce from you;
if you accept this change, they will too. If,
however, you are sad and sorrowful, they
will follow your lead. Your kids will adjust
much better if they see that you are able
to cope with the changes that divorce
brings. Understand that adjusting to the
divorce will take time, usually about a
year and a half, if not longer. Here are a
couple of things you can do to help minimize
your stress and help you cope:
Eat Right.
the additional stress you are facing. A vitamin
B complex is important for maintaining your
energy level, reducing stress and boosting
your immune system.
Stay physically
active, it is the best therapy
there is. Exercise makes
you feel great and helps
to eliminate stress, anger,
frustration and anxiety. If
you don’t exercise regularly,
this is a great time to start to
get in the habit; join a club to
make re-make yourself and get to
know people who have a healthy lifestyle and
will be a great cheering team for you. Kick
boxing and high energy classes like spinning
allow you to blow off steam in a positive way.
Eating a
healthy diet helps you
maintain a positive
outlook. Eat lots of
fruits and vegetables
Have Fun!! Be sure to schedule some
and drink plenty of water. fun into your daily life. Make time for fun
Multivitamins, especially
and do things that you love! Spend time with
vitamin B, can help you combat the effects of friends and family who support and love
4 | Divorce 411 April 2015