Here's a quick one I felt worthy of sharing, a
jam playing with the Volca FM and the
Teenage Engineering PO-12. Having just got
a PO-12 recently I'm all for the crunched up
beats it offers. I'm seriously tempted with the
Volca FM too, however having found out
through this Sonic State video (click HERE)
that it doesn't respond to velocity, I'm kinda
bummed out about it. Click HERE for the Jam video or hit play.
Ableton held an event called Loop (granted I didn't know anything about it until I saw these videos) and there's some great videos with Robert Henke from the event. The first is a talk about how Failure = Success. I won't say much about it, just watch it! Click HERE or hit play on the embedded video. The second is Robert Henke chatting to Dennis DeSantis (author of "Making Music, 74 Creative Strategies For Electronic Music Producers". Like the first video, well worth a watch.
Most of the news type stuff will centre around Superbooth and that's all to
come here in the magazine with loads of videos from me already online
and lots more to come. So I'll keep the news here short and sweet.
Mutable Instruments have released their latest utility module Kinks. It's said
to be "analog signal mingling and mangling" and it offers 3 types of
processing for both audio and CV. It's 4HP with a rectifier section offering
an inverter, half wave rectified and rectified outputs from the input signal
giving new audio overtones or to transform CV signals. Next up is the Logic section offer analog OR and analog AND gates which work as a MAX and
MIN. It takes two inputs and spits out the maximum signal present and the minimum signal present. Finally you get a sample and hold circuit with on
board noise (which it's own output, and normalled to the input), input for "sampling", trigger input to trigger the sampling of the voltage at the input and of course an output. I'll have a full video overview for this one very soon so watch out on my YouTube channel for that one and click HERE to head to the Mutable Instruments site to check the module out.