DivKid's Month Of Modular Issue #6 March 2016 | Page 4

As I said in the last

issue I never aimed

to have a “music”

page but the more

I get to know

people and they

have music they

want to share the

more of it you’ll

see. So here’s Tim

Benjamin! I’ve met

Tim at a few of the

synth meets I’ve

held as “Modular Meets” (website coming soon for Modular Meets) and he’s always been great to talk to. Tim is a composer based in Yorkshire (good place, I’m here! haha) who’s most known for his work with opera. His work has always spanned film and TV and for a good run down of his work I strongly suggest visiting timbenjamin.com. As a solo artist, Tim performs and creates jazz infused richly textured electronic music. Often mixing natural and mechanical sounds with his modular synth. Check out the “introduction to the music of Tim Benjamin” video embedded above and also his latest release

‘Fractures’ on Bandcamp click HERE.

If you'd like to share any of your music with me, get in touch! Links at the back.