DivKid's Month Of Modular Issue #17 February 2017 | Page 4


Well some of you are lovely, others are down right

nasty! Welcome to another DivKid's Month Of

Modular, content is going up on divkidmodular.com

so you can more easily share online while

maintaining this magazine for those that like the full

monthly round up in one place. I should remind

people that the Joomag tablet/phone app is the

better way to view content on those devices too.

Plenty going on as usual so let's crack on. Anything

underlined is a link so click away.


Module of the month this month has to be the Voltage Block. Teamed up with the Varigate 8+ it's an unstoppable force of eurorack sequencing! I love how quick the Voltage Block is for animating lots of sources in a system. I'm considering a second one. Videos to come soon.


I love a good Knobs demo and if you're wondering what

I'm talking about do yourself a favor and go subscribe to

the Knobs YouTube channel. He's demoing FX pedals and

you're always left swimming in a sea of whatever that

particular pedal goes. The guitar loops running into them

act just to excite the pedals it seems with no guitar hero

antics. In this video we see the Eathquaker Devices Space

Spiral delay pedal. It's ace.

Benny Hofer's 'Bam Bam' takes music hardware to a new level with his mechanical sequencer in THIS video. It looks like a semi medieval torture device / music making machine as we get a full run down for Telekom Electronic Beats TV.