WMD came in with a great range of new modules included a powerful trigger sequencer, quantizer and arpeggio / chord generator, a new stereo DJ style filter and a stereo compressor module. Alex from WMD gave a great run down to Edd from Sonic State so check that out in the embedded video or by clicking here.
Catalyst Audio surprised everyone with a
series of Buchla 100 clones which
certainly look the part. It's hard to judge
the sound from trade show event footage
but the patch in the video (click here or
hit play) demonstrates some of the sound
of the modules.
Erica Synths had a wide range of modules
at the show and also a new desktop
version of the their fusion delay / flanger
tube module. The new Octasource, Fusion
Box and MIDI to clock further flesh out
their already impressive range.They've
also announced they've developed a new
filter chip (having a new chip
manufactured must be a huge
undertaking!) based on the CEM filter