divingeurope – Special Edition CALETA DE FUSTE / ENGLISH | Page 3

Dear reader ,
Although scuba diving was invented in France , infact it became popular in Spain . The Canariy Islands all of a sudden were not only worth a trip for vacations under the sun but quickly became a dive destination that was almost exotic at that time .
What is exotic these days is a different discussion . Thus , one thing is for sure : the geologically oldest island in the archipelago is still one of the hotspots for divers . On the east coast and
the northern tip of Fuerteventura there are fantastic diving areas , in front of the banks and through breathtaking rocky landscapes swim huge swarms of fish , giant stingrays stay stoically in the sand and big fish are seen frequently passing by . Anyone who thinks that the underwater landscape of lava rock is boring and boring again , is quickly taught by reality of a better . On some reefs live colorful corals and there are even tube sponges .
Goinng through this Special Edition ou will see : Caleta de Fuste is worth every dive at any time of the year .
On land , behind the seemingly endless sandy beaches one discovers original volcanic landscapes and finds small , old villages and numerous points of interest .
Are you curious now ? Well then : Enjoy our Special Edition of divingEurope Caleta de Fuste !