divingeurope – Special Edition CALETA DE FUSTE / ENGLISH | страница 2


Atlantic angel sharks are a harmless but also fascinating species . The animals stay far down most of the year – in depths of more than 1000 metres . In the months of winter they move into shallow water where they mate .

divingEurope „ Special Edition Fuerteventura “
Producers and editors in chief : Paul-Werner Munzinger , Frank Schneider
Idea and conception Paul-W . Munzinger and F . Schneider
Layout Frank Schneider , Paul-W . Munzinger
Translation : Frank Schneider
Photos , texts und graphics , unless indicated otherwise , are subject to the copyright of P . -W . Munzinger and F . Schneider .
The use of the texts , photos and / or graphics , even in extract form and / or in altered form , without the written consent of divingEurope , is a breach of copyright and therefore punishable by law .
Liability Note : Despite careful content control we are not liable for external linked contents .
Contact Redaktionsbüro Munzinger Im Rebstall 6 , 79112 Freiburg Tel . 07665 / 972741 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz : DE173626442
Redaktionsbüro Schneider Töpferstr . 26 , 46244 Bottrop Tel . 02045 / 4089178 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz : DE157286414
Photo : Frank Schneider