The Great Barrier
Reef is the biggest
coral reef on the
planet. It is
2300 km spanning along the Queensland coast. It is home to millions of species. It supports a $6 billion tourism industry, supports 69,000 jobs, recreational and commercial fishing and represents a unique way of life for coastal communities along the Reef coast. The great Barrier Reef was listed as a world heritage site in 1981.
Our icon
Our Beauty
Our species
Our Reef
The Australian Marine conservation society has a long, proud history of fighting for the Great Barrier Reef. We played a critical role in establishing the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and World Heritage Area. We stopped coral mining and oil drilling on the Reef decades ago. We're still there every step of the way asking the Queensland and Australian Governments to make decisions in the best interest of the Reef and its communities, rather than deals with the mining companies and big developers. The future of the Reef hangs in the balance.
With your support, AMCS and other groups flew into action setting up a legal fighting fund and helping two regional groups – the North Queensland Conservation Council and Mackay Conservation Group issue legal challenges against the dredging and dumping.
AMCS is working daily with campaign partners up and down the coast. Our Fight for the Reef campaign, in collaboration with WWF Australia, is a true David and Goliath battle.We’ve made strong representations to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee who kept up the pressure on our governments.
And when the government ignored the thousands of phone calls, the mountains of media stories, the urgings of 240 top Australian marine scientists and our direct lobbying to stop the approvals to dredge and dump at Abbot Point, we turned to you, the community, to help us ensure these irrational decisions are challenged in the courts.
With your help we will hit back. We will ensure the politicians feel the heat of the voting public and challenge the social AMCS formed in 1965 to fight plans to mine the very coral that makes up our Great Barrier Reef for use as limestone. Please give before its to late.
Copy this link to donate to the Australian Marine conservation society so they can save the reef. https://donate.marineconservation.org.au/donate/reefappeal