Article- I.Duck
Coral Bleaching
Ruining Reefs
What is happening ?
We have many environmental issues in our world and one major issue is coral bleaching. Coral bleaching is caused by tourism, pollution, rubbish, tourism over use, agriculture, mining, turbidity, global warming and natural disasters. All of these issues are ruining the environment and ecosystem of the reefs and with no reefs the living species are tarnished and have nowhere to live and survive. Some of these can issues can be avoided but not all.
Things like global warming, turbidity and natural disasters cannot be dodged. Issues like rubbish, tourism over use, mining and agriculture we can change for the better. If we don’t start making solutions to these problems our beautiful species will no longer exist and our divine reefs will die.
Many main environmental issues are brought up in the media and leads to many complications. But the main question is why this is happening. There are many opinions about this problem and the issue of coral bleaching is still occurring. Unfortunately there is not just one reason to this obstacle maze of problems.
Factors -
A factor of coral bleaching is tourism. Many people have either experienced or seen a picture of a coral reef in their lifetime. Pictures online depict a beautiful colorful reef with lots of fish and species around. In some cases this is true but that is not always the reality in coral reefs. One issue is tourism. Things that tourists do that wreck the reef are not putting their rubbish in the bins provided, traveling in boats to the reef and the petrol chemical gets into the water and pollutes it and people just stepping on the coral and breaking a branch can cause coral bleaching in our reefs. Another thing that kills the reef is global warming. can’t do anything about it.