Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - September 2023 | Page 6

Let Your Voices be Heard About Pending Pipe Inspection Changes

by : Douglas Holdener , P . E . – Director , Florida Concrete Pipe Association
The Florida Department of Transportation ( FDOT ) is proposing to expand their Section 430-4.8 Final Inspection reporting requirements beyond the current 48 ” diameter pipe limit to include up to 60 ” diameter pipe via CCTV / profiling . Further , FDOT is proposing to require inspection via manual entry or CCTV for pipes over 60 ” diameter . The construction and inspection industry has expressed numerous concerns to the FCPA as expressed below . We believe this proposed specification change should be postponed in order to allow an open discussion . Use the link below to submit your comments to FDOT before September 14 .
New , Expanded Requirements
At present , FDOT Section 430 does not clearly state the requirement to inspect storm pipes larger than 48-inch diameter , nor is it clear when the inspection of large diameter pipe must be done ( e . g ., whether as the pipe is initially laid or once in operation and subject to positive head pressure ). Therefore , the proposal to inspect pipes larger than 48 inches appears to be a new requirement .
Equipment Availability , Accuracy Concerns
Inspection industry sources have expressed questions and doubts about the availability of inspection equipment that is suitable for inspecting large diameter pipes and still meet the requirement that the camera be centered in the pipe , which is necessary for micrometer measurement accuracy of cracks , joint gaps , and other observations . Lack of equipment availability among qualified inspection contractors and accuracy concerns could steer a project team towards manual entry inspection .
Personal Safety
The proposed inspection timing is triggered at either three feet of backfill or upon completion of the stabilized subgrade . This would likely mean that the pipe will be operational and inundated with positive hydrostatic head pressure at the point when a manual entry inspection is required .
A Performance Specification
It is time to consider an across-the-board joint performance specification ( infiltration : yes or no ) for all pipes . FDOT ’ s proposal