Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - November 2021 | Page 11

What is your educational background ? Driskell : I graduated from Harvard , with honors , with a degree in Government and from Georgetown University Law Center with my juris doctor .
What was your first job ? Driskell : Working at Lady Foot Locker .
What is your favorite travel location ? Driskell : Anywhere my family is ! Beyond that , I very much enjoyed my prior travels to Vietnam and to Spain .
What are you currently reading ? Driskell : Leading from the Outside by Stacey Abrams
Grill master or reservations Driskell : Does kitchen master count ? If so , kitchen master !
What is your favorite movie ? Driskell : The 1959 version of An Imitation of Life
Do you have any “ guilty pleasure ” TV Shows ? Driskell : I am enjoying working though the Star Wars catalogue of movies and TV shows .
What is your business philosophy ? Driskell : Treat people honorably in all endeavors . Also , if something is good for business and good for people , let ’ s figure out a way to do it . If it ’ s not , then don ’ t .
What are your hobbies or interests outside of work ? Driskell : Cooking , reading , traveling , exploring new music , and spending time with my family
If you could have dinner with anyone , living or deceased , who would it be and why ? Driskell : This one is easy--Dr . Martin Luther King , Jr . His work inspires me . After visiting the National Civil Rights Museum at the Lorraine Hotel ( the location of his assassination ) recently , I find that I have even more questions about his work and what he would like to see as future generations try to carry his legacy forward .
What is your favorite book ? Driskell : Beloved by Toni Morrison
Do you have any pets ? Driskell : Yes , a cat . Sometimes he even claims me as his owner !
What is the first concert you attended ? Driskell : The New Edition Still in Love tour
Which actor do you most look like ? Driskell : I can ’ t think of anyone I resemble , but have been told by multiple people that Cameron Diaz and I have a similar smile .
What is the secret to your success ? Driskell : Hard work , persistence , and surrounding myself with good people . I also am open to constructive feedback which has helped me grow as an individual . Last , I work hard to be inclusive and build consensus when I ’ m charged with leading teams .
What would be your dream vacation ? Driskell : There is so much of the world I want to see ! I ’ d love to book one of those airline tickets that allows you to travel around the globe and visit multiple countries as long as you keep traveling in the same direction ( e . g . east or west ).
What is the one thing about you no one would guess ? Driskell : I love to dance . Love .
What is your favorite college or pro team ? Driskell : Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Campfire or fireplace ? Driskell : Fireplace
tWhat was the first car you drove ? Driskell : My family ’ s old Ford Aerostar ( hey , it was the 90 ’ s )