Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - May 2023 | Page 5

President ’ s Message

Another successful legislative session ended earlier this month and NUCA of Florida ’ s impact was present . Additionally , we have an outstanding amount of state funds budgeted for our industry in the coming year . The Legislature approved a budget including 200 community water and sewer projects , $ 4B in roadway projects under the “ Move Florida Forward ” initiative , and $ 75M for the Job Growth Grant to fund infrastructure . We had tremendous membership involvement this session and it showed . Kari Hebrank was extremely effective at utilizing our advocacy funds and promoting NUCA ’ s voice and positions on current legislation to be recognized . She sums it up perfectly .
“ NUCA of Florida enjoyed many legislative victories this Session , most notably passage of SB 346 ( HB 383 ) relating to Public Works Projects and defeat of the “ Buy American Iron & Steel ” proposal , which had passed the full Senate but was thwarted in the House with the help of grassroots efforts by NUCA of Florida members . Moreover , major transportation legislation advanced , construction defects reform passed and is already law , local licensing legislation with NUCA of Florida ’ s language itncluded cleared both chambers , and legislation promoting the use of sewer and wastewater treatment along with historic funding for water policy infrastructure was approved .”
NUCA of Florida can make the legislative impact it does due to our lobbying efforts and our advocacy funding .
NUCA of Florida can make the legislative impact it does due to our lobbying efforts and our advocacy funding . This is made possible by three major components , member dues , our state conference revenue , and advocacy donations . The state conference is the largest contributor to maintaining our advocacy presence .