HB 705 was amended to allow for local preference only if the public works project is solely financed by local dollars by the local government . It was also amended to provide an exception for the provision of goods , services or work incidental to the public works project , such as security services , janitorial services , landscaping and maintenance services , transportation services — anything that does not require a construction contracting license , or involve supplying or carrying construction materials for a public works project .
Rep . Shoaf explains NUCA of Florida ’ s priority legislation , HB 705 , relating to Public Works Projects .
Senator Grall presents SB 742 relating to Public Works Projects to Senate Community Affairs Committee .
Senator Grall presents SB 742 relating to Public Works Projects to Senate Community Affairs Committee .
Workplace Heat Illness & Injury Preemption
HB 433 by Rep . Esposito / SB 1492 by Sen . Trumbull
PASSED / Vote Count : House-74-36 ; Senate — 24-15
Senator Trumbull explains SB 1492 relating to Workforce Heat Illness & Injury Preemption to Senate Rules Committee .
Another priority for NUCA of Florida , HB 433 preempts the regulation of heat illness & injury policies for workers to the State to keep local governments from enacting their own policies that may be duplicative or in conflict with OSHA requirements . The bill also prohibits local governments from giving preference in competitive solicitations based on an employer ’ s heat exposure requirements . NUCA of Florida worked to help defeat such a local ordinance offered by Miami-Dade County earlier this year . HB 433 became a political football on the last two days of Session but ultimately passed with limited provisions related to preemption of local wage and employee benefits ordinances beginning in 2026 when the minimum wage increases to $ 15 an hour . It also prohibits local governments from using evaluation factors , qualification of bidders or otherwise awarding preferences on the basis of wages or employee benefits .
Senator Trumbull explains SB 1492 relating to Workforce Heat Illness & Injury Preemption to Senate Rules Committee .