and the attorney general . However , in 2018 , the 37-member commission drew the ire of lawmakers after placing a series of issues on the ballot that touched on topics ranging from new ethics standards for public officials to a ban on greyhound racing . In part , the 2018 controversy centered on it creating “ bundled ” ballot proposals that tied together seemingly unrelated topics , such as one proposal to ban offshore oil drilling and indoor vaping . In response , Senator Jeff Brandes sponsored this initiative to repeal the Constitution Revision Commission . Ballot measures also can be proposed by the Legislature , through citizens ’ initiatives and by the Florida Taxation and Budget Reform Commission , which was also created in 1968 and meets every 20 years .
Claiming it would help address rising housing costs , lawmakers pushed Amendment 3 which would increase the homestead exemption for teachers , law-enforcement officers , correctional officers , firefighters , emergencymedical technicians , paramedics , child-welfare services professionals and active-duty members of the military and Florida National Guard .
If approved by the voters , Amendment 3 is projected to save $ 80.9 million for the targeted property owners next fiscal year , with the annual savings growing to $ 93.6 million in five years . Under current law , homeowners can qualify for homestead exemptions on the first $ 25,000 of the appraised value of property . They also can qualify for $ 25,000 homestead exemptions on the value between $ 50,000 and $ 75,000 . Any higher property value is taxable .
Under Amendment 3 , homeowners in the targeted professions could receive
an additional $ 50,000 exemption , which would apply to the property value between $ 100,000 and $ 150,000 . The current exemption for the value between $ 50,000 and $ 75,000 doesn ’ t apply to property taxes collected for school districts , and neither would the proposed amendment .