Constitutional Amendment Proposals on the Ballot
By Kari Hebrank , Executive Vice President
When Florida voters go to the polls in November to select their governor , a U . S . senator and numerous state and local officials , they will also decide whether to approve two property-tax measures and the fate of the state ’ s Constitution Revision Commission .
Lawmakers placed three proposed constitutional amendments on the ballot during the recent Legislative Session , including two that would provide property-tax breaks .. Each proposal would require approval from 60 percent of voters to pass . One of those measures , which will appear on the ballot as Amendment 1 , would prevent the assessed value of property from increasing due to improvements aimed at combating flooding . The other proposed tax
26 DITCHMEN • SEPTEMBER 2022 break , which will appear as Amendment 3 , would expand the homestead property-tax exemption for teachers , first responders and military members . Meanwhile , what will appear as Amendment 2 would repeal the Florida Constitution Revision Commission , a panel that meets every 20 years and has the power to propose ballot measures . The commission drew controversy in 2018 because of some of its proposals .
Here are snapshots of the proposed Constitutional Amendments :
Amendment 1 is aimed largely at helping property owners who elevate all or parts of their homes , part of efforts to address the effects of rising sea levels and climate change ,. If approved by voters , such improvements would not be considered in determining assessed property values . Elevation work would require meeting National Flood Insurance Program and Florida Building Code standards .
A 2021 Senate staff analysis said the proposed constitutional amendment would reduce local government property-tax revenues by $ 5.8 million during the 2023-2024 fiscal year , with the amount growing to $ 25.1 million annually . The estimate was made after Florida property owners in the prior 20 years made more than 4.85 million flood-damage claims through the Federal Emergency Management Agency .
Voters created the Constitution Revision Commission in 1968 and every 20 years the Commission convenes and puts forth ideas for revising the state Constitution . The commission ’ s members are appointed by the governor , legislative leaders , the Supreme Court chief justice