Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - December 2022(clone) | Page 11

state- appropriated funds and which consists of the construction , maintenance , repair , renovation , remodeling , or improvement of a building , road , street , sewer , storm drain , water system , site development , irrigation system , reclamation project , gas or electrical distribution system , gas or electrical substation , or other facility , project , or portion thereof that is owned in whole or part by any political subdivision .
The companion bill , SB 346 , is sponsored by NUCA of Florida Industry Champion , Senator Nick DiCeglie . These bills make several changes to the development permit process and the public works bidding process , including timelines for submittals , proceedings and approvals , and payment for public construction services .
Another construction industry bill , HB 85 by Rep . John Synder ( R- Palm City ), relating to construction defects passed House Civil Justice Subcommittee on January 26 by a vote of
15-3 . NUCA of Florida has been working with FHBA , AGC , ABC and others to end frivolous construction defect claims and HB 85 addresses key issues towards that end . Specifically , HB 85 will define a “ material violation ” as stated in the Florida Building Code ; reduce the Statute of Repose from the current 10 years down to 7 years ; and revise the trigger for the Statute of Repose to begin from the issuance of temporary certificate of occupancy , certificate of occupancy or certificate of completion , whichever is earliest . Senator Travis Hutson ( R-Palm Coast ) is carrying the companion bill .
Legislation that is unfavorable to our industry has also been filed . Bills mandating “ Buy American ” for iron and steel products have been filed and the perennial lien law bill is back again . NUCA of Florida is meeting with bill sponsors to share our concerns with these measures and will provide more detailed analysis in our Legislative Updates . Stay tuned , it ’ s a new year , new lawmakers and new issues emerging daily .
Don ’ t forget to contribute to our Advocacy fund to help support business-minded legislators and candidates ! You may contribute by visiting our website at www . nucaflorida . org and clicking on “ Make a Donation ” button .