■ Passed public works legislation that prohibits single-source apprenticeship programs or bidding preferences based on geographic location of headquarters / office or residences of employees and tightened up scope of work ;
■ Passed legislation that prohibits local governments from denying use of FDOTcertified aggregates ( such as bank run shell );
■ Fought off and defeated efforts to strip lien rights from subcontractors and eliminate the alternative forms of security on public works projects ;
■ Passed legislation that would provide lawsuit liability protection for employers from employees who contract COVID-19 ;
■ Passed legislation to expand impact fee credits for exactions , capped new impact fees and limited impact fee increases to no more than once every four years , while including a “ relief valve ” for government entities if extraordinary circumstances evolve ;
■ Revised permitting and inspection provisions to ensure local governments provide timely answers and tell contractors what permits are required up front ;
■ Helped secure resiliency and wastewater grant funding for water restoration , wastewater treatment and stormwater funding as well as septicto-sewer conversions ;
■ Passed legislation transferring workers comp coverage for medical care to state for youth involved in work-based , pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs ;
■ Passed legislation to allow proportionate share mitigation or “ pay as you go ” for school concurrency if improvements have not yet been identified in order to prevent a backdoor moratoria on development when local governments and school boards disagree ;
■ Increased revenues from our Annual ASJMSF Bass Tournament and awarded $ 55K in scholarships in 2022 ;