Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen • August 2017 | Page 8
the Florida Legislature
in securing a dedicated
funding source for springs
restoration and protection,
we can continue to focus
on completing strategic
acquisitions and projects
that will produce real
benefits for our spring
systems. I look forward to
continuing to work with the
Governor and Legislature,
the water management
districts and partners in the
environmental, agricultural
and local communities
to conserve and protect
Florida’s iconic springs.”

As part of these springs
projects, the state is
launching three new
Springs Protection Land
Acquisition Initiatives, with
a total of more than $6
million allocated for land
acquisitions to protect
Wakulla Springs, Econfina
Springs and springs along
the Suwannee and Santa
Fe rivers. An additional $2.5
million will be allocated
toward a conservation
easement that will ensure
land protection and
nutrient reduction benefits
for De Leon Spring.
Senate President Joe
Negron said, “Restoring
and protecting Florida’s
springs is essential to fully
and faithfully implementing
the Water and Land
Conservation Amendment
passed by Florida voters
in 2014. Legacy Florida
ensures dedicated, annual
funding for this critical
effort. Governor Scott has
been a strong advocate
for preserving Florida’s
environment, particularly
our Springs, and I
appreciate his ongoing
leadership and support
of our Legacy Florida
House Speaker Richard
Corcoran said, “Our springs
provide beauty, drinking
water, jobs, and an identity
for many communities. We
will continue to fight, along
with the Governor, for the
protection of this distinctly
Floridian natural resource.”
Other restoration and
protection projects that
have been identified for
funding this fiscal year
will enhance water quality
through wastewater,
stormwater and runoff
pollution control projects,
including septic tank
conversion and agricultural
partnerships. Projects to
expand water reuse and
improve aquifer recharge
rates will also help ensure
the protection of Florida’s
groundwater supply.
The 40 statewide projects
• Southwest Florida Water
Management District: Kings
Bay (Citrus County) sewer
extension and reuse project
– This project will improve
water quality in Kings Bay by
supporting the construction
of a sewer main extension to
remove septic systems and
route 2 million gallons per
day of reclaimed water out of
the springshed.
• Northwest Florida Water
Management District:
Wakulla Springs (Wakulla
County) septic connection
projects – These projects
will improve water quality
in Wakulla springs by
connecting more than 370
residences currently on
septic tanks to an existing
central sewer service.
• St Johns River Water
Management District: Silver
Springs (Marion County)
wetland treatment and
recharge project – This
project will increase the flow
of Silver Springs by receiving
and treating excess reclaimed
water and stormwater,
providing 3 to 5 million
gallons per day of recharge.
• Suwannee River Water
Management District:
White and Blue Sink
springs (Suwannee County)
wastewater improvement
project – This project will
improve water quality for two
springs along the Suwannee
River by providing advanced
wastewater treatment and
eliminating 32 commercial
septic tanks.
A complete list of the springs
protection projects funded
by the Fighting for Florida’s
Future budget can be found
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