Ditchmen • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen • August 2017 | Page 7
Gov. Scott Announces
Earlier this month, Governor Rick Scott announced
the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (DEP) and the Florida Water
Management Districts have identified 40 springs
projects that will receive $50 million as part of the
2017-2018 Fighting for Florida’s Future budget. The
$50 million in Legacy Florida funding for springs
restoration projects was included in Governor
Scott’s recommended budget and approved
by the Legislature during this year’s legislative
session. These projects will help improve water
quality, recharge water flow and protect habitat in
Florida’s iconic spring systems.
Governor Scott said, “Florida is home to some
of the most beautiful springs in the world, and
protecting these natural treasures is incredibly
important for our state’s families, environment
and economy. Last year, I was proud to sign the
Legacy Florida bill to establish a dedicated funding
source for springs protection and I am glad that
investment is continuing with $50 million for
springs restoration projects across the state this
year. Springs protection will remain a priority so
that Florida’s future generations will continue to
enjoy these unique natural treasures.”
DEP works with water management districts to
identify projects that will improve the quality
of Florida springs and provide a good return
on investment. Many of these projects include
matching funds from various local partners.
Combined with match funding from Florida’s water
management districts and local partners, the
investment in springs projects will total more than
$94 million during the 2017-18 fiscal year. Since
Governor Scott took office, more than $365 million
has been invested in Florida’s springs, the highest
amount of funding in Florida’s history.
DEP Secretary Noah Valenstein said, “Thanks to
the continued commitment of Governor Scott and