Ditchman • NUCA of Florida Ditchmen - Sep 2019 | Page 11

PSC Praises Utilities for Undergrounding Plans and Efforts By Scott Jenkins, Carlton Fields The Public Service Commission met July 7th with a full agenda of business. During the meeting, updates to the storm- hardening plans for Florida Power & Light, Tampa Electric Company, Duke Energy Florida, Gulf Power Company, and the Florida Public Utilities Companies were discussed and approved. This discussion was continued from previous discussions at prior PSC meetings. All five commissioners praised the cooperative nature between the utilities, public counsel, staff and the local governments. Undergrounding power lines and tree trimming were the functions most pointed out as being a necessary and continued future emphasis. No specific projects or programs were discussed other than FP&L’s “Right Tree, Right Place” Program that is being implemented in their service areas with the help of the local governments. As PSC Commissioner Polmann pointed out, “This is not more of the same but a continuous improvement effort.” The costs for the improvements discussed cannot be recouped from the ratepayers yet as these recommendations were made prior to the effects for SB 796, which still must go through a rule -making process. SB 786 saw much controversy in the 2019 Session as many groups were concerned with making ratepayers, especially the elderly, help foot the bill for storm- hardening improvements. While the Legislature was concerned, they pointed out that, with PSC oversight, the new rates will have to go through an approval process. PSC Commissioner Clark looked forward to how the utility improvements evolve to include the effects of the new legislation. As the PSC rolls out the new rules for the utilities, it is suspected that utility line protection projects such as undergrounding will occur more frequently and become more common. PSC Commissioner Brown expressed her love for initiatives for infrastructure projects such as undergrounding. This is great news for our state and industry. SEPTEMBER 2019 • DITCHMEN 9