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, We are excited about a new opportunity for
our students to increase their 3rd-8th grade
math skills. Think Through Math is an online
program which allows your child's teacher to
place each student on a personalized path of
lessons. The interactive video lessons include explanation of concepts
as well as skill practice for the students. When a student does not know how to proceed, helpful hints are built into the program. If a student still
struggles after viewing these hints, Think Through Math provides immediate access to a live, certified math teacher, who will assist your child until he or she is successful with the lesson. Our teachers will always provide high quality in-class math instruction. This program simply gives us a powerful tool to supplement that instruction and to solidify each child's understanding of mathematics. Your child may login to Think Through Math by visitng and using the login information provided by his or her teacher.
Testing Volunteers
This spring, students in 3rd grade and higher will be taking standardized tests. We have a need for a large number of test monitors to cover each class during these exams. If you are willing to help us with this, PLEASE contact your child's school. Thank you!
Dates to Remember
4/1 and 4/3 Parent/Teacher Conferences
4/10-Start of State Testing Window
4/18-School in Session (Make-Up from Snow Day)
May 22-Last Day of School