Distracted MassesVol. 1 Issue #2 Oct. 2014 | Page 8

ELECTROMAGNETIC WARFARE, GAS-LIGHTING, OR MIND CONTROL? E l e c t r o m a g n e t i c W e a p o n s , prescribe pharmaceuticals, many broken with the hands or a small Nonconsensual Experimentation, of which may have derived from pair of pliers and allows for the experiments during MK Ultra, a infrared beam to be concentrated and Targeted Individuals By Scott Albright The question of whether electromagnetic weapons exist or not no longer belongs to the tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist weirdos. It’s science non-fiction. Yes, electromagnetic weapons do exist and they are being used on humans. That’s a known fact. What is unknown is how many different types of people have access to these weapons, how frequently these weapons are being used, the power and capability of the weapons they have access to, and who these weapons are being used against. According to the organization for Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS), there are thousands of people across the planet who claim to have had electromagnetic weapons used against them outside the normal bounds of the law. Posts on the o r g a n i z a t i o n ’s w e b s i t e l i s t comments from people claiming to be targets who have had electronic signals sent to their bodies and brains as a means of manipulating, controlling, and causing otherwise abnormal or unusual behavior in them. Some of the claims seem farfetched and from just a brief analysis one might think these are just patterns of mental illness and that the alleged “targets” only need proper treatment to be cured. Many psychiatrists will even Cold War-era CIA mind control operation, to help “cure” those victims claiming to be targets. On closer examination however, these patterns are beyond that of normal mental illness and seem to be interconnected to the defense and communications industries, which some of these “targets” have worked for in the past. But before we get into the strange and unusual let’s talk about the facts. How do I know electromagnetic weapons exist? Because I’ve used them and have had them used on me. While serving in the United States Marine Corps I was issued an AN/PEQ-2, an infrared aimer and illuminator which attaches to a service rifle and is only visible when wearing night vision goggles. The infrared beam shot out of the PEQ-2 is a pulsed energy frequency which lies on the electromagnetic spectrum in between the visible and microwave regions. An article in Nature shows that pulsed infrared energy can increase the electrical capacitance in cells, depolarizing the cells and thus changing their corresponding magnetic properties.1 The effects on the human body from focused infrared energy are also electrical and magnetic, making the PEQ-2 an electromagnetic infrared flashlight. There’s more. The PEQ-2 has a lock on it which prevents soldiers from using the higher powered settings on the illuminator. The lock can easily be [8] at a higher power on subjects. The known effects that we were told by our higher ups is that on these settings and at close range the PEQ-2 can cause a bur ning sensation on the skin and even cause permanent blindness if pointed at the eyes for a long enough period of time.2 In effect, everyone who was issued a PEQ-2 had an electromagnetic weapon to use at their disposal. And yes, I did witness Marines breaking the lock and using their PEQ-2s on higher power settings, and yes, I did witness them pointing the beam at unsuspecting Iraqis while their PEQ-2s were on these higher settings. No, I was not one of those participating in these acts, but I have had the beam pointed at me on the lower settings, and have had a more obvious type of electromagnetic weapon used on me - a taser. http:// www.zazzle.co m/ alien_mantis_s hirt-235213033 177642808 Alien Mantis Shirt - $27.95