Instead of seeing the show, I ended up involved in the deputy assault who had gotten away
unconscious for several hours, from 11:55 p.m. until and decided to retaliate against me before
about 5 a.m. when I came to WALKING west on the confirming my identity.
south side of Lomas, just east of University. When I
After discussing the incident with my parents I
came to I was very disoriented and unsure of where I decided it would be wise to file a report with the
was until I saw the 7-Eleven near the intersection of police, so on 11/09/2014 I filed an online report with
Lomas & University. Almost as soon as I walked into the Albuquerque Police Department (APD),
the gas station the clerk asked me what had describing the incident with as much detail in the
happened to me, as I was oozing blood out of my limited space available. The next day I received an
forehead. After seeing my wounds in the surveillance email from APD saying my incident report was
video monitor and trying to clean myself with a couple rejected because I reported it as a theft/larceny
of napkins, I purchased a pack of cigarettes, left the instead of strong arm robbery, and that I should
store, and walked up Lomas to Louisiana, after first report the incident by phone. On 11/11/2014 I went
getting a bite to eat at the
back to my parents’ house to
McDonalds on San Pedro &
use the phone to file the
Lomas. The sun was just
report using the phone
above the mountains when I
number provided in the
finally made it home and
email. My frustration began
walked through my front
to build when I couldn’t get
door, at which point I was
through to a real person and
exhausted, but still able to
had to leave a message
get on the computer and
using the automated voice
record what I thought
service instead, leaving my
happened to me the previous
parents phone number for
night. I posted a picture of
them to get back to me.
Notice there is no swelling or bruising & yet still bleeding 8 hours
my head wound on
Soon after I hung up the
Facebook and Twitter and
phone rang. My dad
wrote that the cops had
answered and told me the
bashed my head, before
person on the other line was
falling asleep still bloody and
asking for me by name. To
my surprise, the person on
After waking up I
the other line was calling
picked my kids up from
from the National Police
school and went to my
Association! Maybe it was
parents house where I
coincidence, but there is no
stayed the night to recover
reason the National Police
from the incident. While at
Association should be calling
my parents I did everything
me at my parents house, so I
I could to try and figure out
couldn’t help but to be taken
why I was attacked and
aback from the call. The
exactly what happened. I kept remembering the person on the other line began telling me he was
word Imbibe and a face of an older white male with a going to send a decal to put on my car so I could
police badge. I've never been to Imbibe before but show my support for their organization. I stopped
discovered it was the location at which an off duty and asked the caller how they got my number and if
Bernalillo County Sheriff's deputy was beaten for he was calling to help out with a crime that was
identifying and reporting a person who supposedly perpetrated against me, asking if he was attempting
had a warrant out for a drunken driving incident. to help a military veteran in need on Veterans Day.
What I found out was that one person who was He said no and how great of a job the police were
involved in the assault on the deputy had been doing before I told him I didn’t want the decal and
arrested while the other person involved got away. I got off the phone.
also learned that Imbibe plays similar music to that
On 11/13/2014 I drove to an APD substation
of the show I was going to see the night I was near Louisiana & Zuni where I proceeded to go