Creator of Distracted Masses becomes a victim of
police brutality. Now he speaks out.
By Scott Albright
to be about 50-55 years old, with a thick mustache.
He was around 5’10” and had the face of a drinker,
night out on the town in Albuquerque? You get with a kind of large nose and pinkish-brown
assaulted by plainclothes cops, have your phone complexion. He was a little heavy-set and pudgy
stolen, get dumped on the side of the road without around the gut. The badge was yellowish gold and
any medical assistance, and then denied help from rounded at the top. At the time I didn’t recognize the
local authorities in trying to find the attackers. At least badge and thought maybe they were with the FBI.
that’s what happened to me beginning the night of The officer who was wearing the badge went down
November 6, 2014 after I went to check out a show at and across the dance floor into another section of the
the El Rey Theater. I had just taken the 10:30 p.m. bus building before coming back to the place behind my
table where I was still sitting by myself. I
from Louisiana & Central to downtown
remember seeing his profile clearly while he
Albuquerque and had two beers a