DISFRUTA ECUADOR Enero 2015 | Page 17

Cúpulas al ineterior de la Iglesia La Compañía, denotan una belleza magna y armonía sin igual del arte barroco. I n 1605 the Jesuits of Quito began the work of his church. By 1613 the city came to the lay brother Marcos Guerra , who was brilliant architect in the Kingdom of Naples, before entering the Order. Admirable set of columns and friezes , sculptures and moldings, panels and symbolic outfits , so rich and yet so precise , topped with semicircular tympanum and the Eucharistic sign on breakwater crest. The corrected what had been done and the work gave the final stroke. Entering the temple is being dazzled with great pomp and synthesis of harmony, balance and Baroque baroque richness , all in gold. No place altarpiece and shrines , the Dome of the cruise and columns, galleries and choir, which is not covered with exquisite decor. Upon his death in 1668 , the church and adjoining buildings , with its three cloisters were essentially completed . The facade begin to carve out only in 1722 and end in 1765, on the eve of the expulsion of the Loyola of the domains of the king of Spain . The facade of the temple is one of the wonders of the baroque and plateresco Americans. Flanking the front door lavish six spiral columns , the first integrated architectural movement in American art and the side doors , Corinthian pilasters Roman style. All resting on a stylobate panels with Renaissance decoration . On the architrave runs a frieze of foliage and soles , and the frieze , the cornice seem sustained on acanthus leaves. The cornice which runs tight to the shoulders of the facade on the front door becomes arched canopy luck niche housing the Immaculate , guarded by angels and cherubs. In the altarpiece , designed by Legarda , has taken over as the main reason for the composition of the facade twisted columns and the cornices that stretch to the center in arch , and has become complete the set , colorful and dazzling , for sustained crown by angels. The niches , four, staying four polychrome carvings , corresponding to the four founders of large orders, San Francisco and San Ignacio de Loyola with the unmistakable style of Legarda . On both sides of the presbytery and sides of the adjoining presbytery cruise admirable stands, carved masterpieces . The columns of the nave are adorned , on both sides , with one of the most important series of the Quito colonial painting: the prophets , attributed to Goribar . The second body , fine plateresca ornamentation consists of two blocks, with beautiful columns , leaving the center crowned by the huge window votive inscription to Loyola. 17