DISFRUTA ECUADOR Enero 2015 | Page 11
of the Yasuni River is an excellent place to see pink dolphins.
Tiputini River, is relatively easily accessible and scenic resource
within the park, with spectacular flora and fauna is one of the main
attractions. Further leads to the population of New Rocafuerte.
Anango Lagoon, is known for its attractive natural environment.
From the Kichwa community Anango there is a path that leads to
the lagoon is a footpath that takes about half an hour. There on the
banks of the lagoon an inn Premium with local guide services to
make paths through the jungle, canoeing and observation of flora
and fauna.
Rivers Shiripuno, Tiguino and Cononaco, navigating these rivers
means enjoy the exotic and extraordinary landscape of the area,
as well as the local flora and fauna. Along the route inside the park
can be seen charapas white alligators. Sometimes you can see
tapirs crossing rivers and hopefully you can see deer. There are
also salting, butterflies bright colors and birds.
Curaray River, like other rivers within the park, the river is Curaray
great attraction and includes small lakes with high biodiversity.
Outside but near the southern boundary of the park is the town
of San José de Curaray to which can be accessed by air. This
community is characterized by the production of handicrafts that
are sold outside the park.
Yasuni cultures
Within the Yasunà find an extraordinary cultural diversity, the
Waorani, Kichwa and Shuar some communities. These villages
despite the intrusion into its territory for 500 years by rubber
workers, settlers, oil, wood does, and complete indifference of the
State and their governments have resisted and preserve invaluable
Tourist attractions:
Yasuni Research Station (DSpace), located within the park,
on the banks of river Tiputini, is the Research Station of the
Catholic University, devoted exclusively to research since 1993.
With capacity for 50 scholars, its main activity is the knowledge
of the flora and fauna through various studies and projects.
Tiputini Biodiversity Station (USFQ), belonging to the University
San Francisco de Quito, since 1994 and is located outside the
boundaries of the park, on the north bank of the river Tiputini. It
has a comprehensive infrastructure that includes research rooms,
laboratories, herbarium houses for students and an observation
tower. It is dedicated to the study and research of specific topics
that match diverse interests on biodiversity.
Lagoons and Garzacocha Jatuncocha are particularly attractive
for the flora and fauna characteristic of these places. This section