Discovering YOU Magazine September 2024 Issue Draft | Page 34


continually hungering, thirsting and yearning for more of God that are filled. Are you hungering and thirsting for righteousness? Is it a continual pursuit, coming back for more? I have discovered that hungering and thirsting for righteousness is like a narcotic. Your taste buds get energized and you get hooked. Its why you buy certain food brands at grocery stores and keep going back to same restaurants to order the same food. Also, once you have encountered the living God nothing else satisfies. You want more of him and for that reason you:

D. Eat the whole thing not $3 worth! Have you ever surprised yourself that your hunger was bigger than you thought and you “ate the whole thing”?! Wellthat’s what we as Believers are to do. We are NOT to seek bits and pieces of righteousness, but to so hunger for God, His righteousness and fullness of power…that we become like Him! The person who hungers and thirsts after righteousness should want ALL of God! Yet, many so-called Christians, want just enough of God to feel good, avoid the fires of hell, but not enough hunger to radically change their lives. Its like Wilbur Rees wrote in his book $3 Worth of God…"I would like to buy $3 worth of God, please, NOT enough to explode my soul or disturb my sleep, just enough to equal a cup of warm milk or a snooze in the sun-shine….I want ecstasy, NOT transformation; I want warmth of the womb, not a new birth. I want a pound of the Eternal in a paper sack. I want to buy $3 worth of God, please". NO 3rdly we need to see…




A. Great Hunger fills you with His righteousness. If you want righteousness, you can have it. If you want a “Heaven-Ready” christian lifestyle that changes you from the inside, you can have it. Most of us are about as close to God as we want to be. If you are hungry for a closer walk with God, you can have it. If you want a better

marriage, you can have it (call 734-287-4673 about Sept. 20-21 Marriage Retreat). If you want to be a man or woman mightily used by God, you can be that!

B. Great Hunger fills you with Jesus & Power of Holy Spirit! Many in the world

today have full stomachs but empty hearts! Many are trapped in the pit of a thousand excuses. They are running somewhere but just not to God. Jesus says, "Come unto me!" If you are hungry, come eat of the Bread of Life. If you are thirsty, come drink of the Water of Life. If are weary and heavy-laden, come find rest. If you are guilty, come be forgiven. If you are far from God, come back home. Jesus says in Rev. 3:5 “Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.” Are you hungry & thirsty for God? If you are, you can be filled. You can claim increased zeal for God, restored daily prayer to God and increased intimacy with God!