Discovering YOU Magazine September 2024 Issue Draft | Page 33


Psa. 34:8 to “taste and see that the Lord is good” and I Peter 2:3 says we are to “taste that the Lord is gracious.” Where taste and hunger is mentioned in scripture…it speaks of an intense desire, an ardent craving, an all consuming pursuit and desperate hunger. When we are famished and parched, nothing can stop us from seeking satisfying food and water! Are you hungry and thirsty


B. You must ACT on your Hunger for More of God! Appetites aren't filled until you

do something about it. It is one thing to say I am hungry and desire food. It is quite another to get to the table to eat and quench your thirst. At some point you have to go eat and drink. Doctors say a loss of appetite is a sign of illness. The same is true spiritually! When we no longer hunger and thirst for time with God thru Bible reading and prayer, or aren't committed to the worship of God, or fail to get alarmed over our sinful condition and the lusts of the world, it’s a sign of spiritual sickness! Also, we can’t thrive on junk food. The problem with many today, they try to fill spiritual hunger and thirst in the wrong places, pleasures, performances, or possessions, saying "All I need to do is read the Bible every now and then, pray once and a while, attend church Easter and Christmas and be ready for heaven. NO-God says in Isa. 55:2 Message Bible "Why do you spend your money on junk food or for that which is not bread, and your hard-earned wages on cotton candy or for what does not satisfy? Listen to me, listen well: Eat only the best, fill yourself with only the finest". Come to Table of the Lord and Feast on His love, forgiveness and power.

C. You have to KEEP coming back for more! By Jesus’ words “surpass” and “seek” we see it is those who are

C. Righteousness doesn't need to be seen by others, but most importantly by God.

Jesussaid in Matt. 6:1 "Beware of practicing righteousness in front of people, to be seen by them. Otherwise, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven". The Pharisees loved to pray loudly in public, dress in religious garb and throw offering in metal containers so people could hear coins rattle. A religion was built around praise of men, but didn’t have substance. Today people who practice a shallow, show-type religion but Rom. 15:13 calls us to a hunger where “the God of hope fills you with all

joy & peace in believing, so you’ll abound in hope, by power of Holy Spirit”.


D. Righteousness should cause us to seek God's approval above everything else.

Jesus said in Matt. 6:33 "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you". He encourages a spiritual hunger that results in a change of diet that goes after true Godly priorities! What is it that you hunger for? God, or a Changed, Fruitful Life? Or is it Fame, Fortune, Career advancement, Marriage, Self-focused dreams & happy retirement. As good as those things may be, they may not be the BEST God has for you! Get a hunger for God's kingdom & righteousness first.



A. You have to WANT to be nourished by the good things of God. No one can force

you to eat! Its why David says in